"Nothing could better express the ear catching quality of Warburton's poetry than the word living. Her poems are alive with song and imagery." -- Nicelle Davis, Associate Editor, Connotation Press

Jaime Warburton
Jaime Warburton completed her MFA in Poetry and Creative Nonfiction at Sarah Lawrence College. She is the author of the chapbook Note That They Cannot Live Happily, and her poems, stories, and essays have appeared in or are forthcoming from publications such as North American Review, Gargoyle Magazine, Hoxie Gorge Review, Sequestrum, Storyscape, and The Southeast Review. She writes creative nonfiction under a pseudonym. Jaime teaches Writing at Ithaca College and lives in Ithaca, NY.
When not teaching, I love to take ballet classes, and I often appear in local professional theatrical and musical productions. I do dramaturgical work, as well, which allows me to marry my love of theatre with my love of the written word and research. My scholarly area as an academic is Fan Studies (find some interviews on the subject here, here, and here), and I'll be appearing in the upcoming fan culture documentary film Earper.
Read an interview with Jaime
And another.